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Where is TBBP?


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I keep seeing all these mods that are compatible for things like UNP, ADEC, BBP, and TBBP. And so far I've managed to find the original UNP, ADEC, and BBP mods that these other mods are supposed to be compatible with.


But where is TBBP? I've googled and searched everywhere, and all I'm turning up are mods that are compatible with TBBP, but no actual TBBP. Anybody got a link? Thanks.

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Go to google, type in 'skyrim TBBP', and click on the very first result. Then do a search of the website for TBBP and you should be able to find it. As far as I know you can't actually link to that site in question here on the Nexus without getting in trouble.

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