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Conjuration Mod Spell for "living NPC"


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Some time ago - Earlier this year (very first part) Conjuration Mods that allowed you to conjure "bears" - "Dragons" - "druids" - "wolfs" - "Draugers" .... WORKED ... then about Feb 2013 - they all stopped working and only Skyrim built in Conjurations would work.


Anyone know if this has been fixed?


I really liked some of the Conjuration "Creatures" "Un-Dead" and such .. they were a lot of fun.



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I don't use any of these mods but I find no problem using conjuration spells from mod I made, could it be the problem lies in your game or your other mods?


Are you specifically using "Creature Conjuration" mod or "Weapons/Armory"?


Weapons and Armory conjurations work just fine, all MODS - it is the MODS that have Creatures/Robots/Undead that do not work in MODS - Skyrim specific in-program conjuration spells of creatures and things work just fine.

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