EisoTV Posted August 15, 2021 Share Posted August 15, 2021 After merge skill tome's mod, at startup game crash with this text"Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(179): I dont know any 's'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(179): I dont know any 's'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(179): I dont know any 's'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(181): I dont know any 's'"Can anyone help with this? //addTomes if( playerAttacker.HasBuff(EET_Assassin) && action.IsActionMelee() && playerAttacker && attackAction && action.DealsAnyDamage() && !playerAttacker.inv.IsItemFists( weaponId ) && actorVictim != thePlayer ) { spass = playerAttacker.GetTotalSignSpellPower(S_Magic_4); buffchance = (spass.valueMultiplicative-1)*0.2; //theGame.witcherLog.AddMessage("buffchance: " + buffchance); //debug while jogging with nekkers 0.07 buffdur = spass.valueMultiplicative*3; //theGame.witcherLog.AddMessage("buffdur: " + buffdur); //debug while jogging with nekkers 171 if(RandF() <= buffchance) { if(RandF() > 0.5) { paramsadtomes.effectType = EET_Poison; paramsadtomes.creator = playerAttacker; paramsadtomes.sourceName = playerAttacker.GetName(); paramsadtomes.duration = buffdur; actorVictim.AddEffectCustom(paramsadtomes); } else { paramsadtomes1.effectType = EET_Bleeding; paramsadtomes1.creator = playerAttacker; paramsadtomes1.sourceName = playerAttacker.GetName(); paramsadtomes1.duration = buffdur; actorVictim.AddEffectCustom(paramsadtomes1); } } } if (GetWitcherPlayer().IsItemEquippedByName( 'elaxii_tome' ) && GetWitcherPlayer().GetInventory().GetItemId( 'elaxii_tome' ) == GetWitcherPlayer().GetSelectedItemId() && action.IsActionMelee() && playerAttacker && attackAction && !playerAttacker.inv.IsItemFists( weaponId ) && actorVictim != thePlayer && attackAction.GetAttackTypeName() == 'sword_s2' && (action.DealsAnyDamage() || !action.DealsAnyDamage())) { edmg = new W3DamageAction in this; victimofshock = playerAttacker.GetNPCsAndPlayersInRange(20, 5, ,FLAG_ExcludePlayer + FLAG_OnlyAliveActors+ FLAG_Attitude_Hostile); bonePosition = actorVictim.GetWorldPosition(); boneRotation = actorVictim.GetWorldRotation(); for( s = 0; s < victimofshock.Size(); s += 1 ) { actorVictim = victimofshock[s]; if(actorVictim.GetComponent('torso3effect')) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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