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Trying to pack my files...not working (create archive)


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So I am a nub at modding and this question might sound really dumb.


I made an npc in ck. His facial textures weren't loading into Skyrim (grey face without the warpaint and colorings on face.) I did the export facegen. I see the .dds and the .tga file that it created in my FaceGenData folder. I now want to pack those two files (create archive) so my .esp file will have those two included...basically the facial texture to load.


So I now create archive and drag those two files over, however, the ck wont include the .tga file, it will only take the .dds file. Now if I play the .esp file on another computer it won't show the texture, since the .tga file was not in the .esp file. The texture will obviously will show on my computer since its local.


How do I pack the texture (.tga) file in my .esp file? I want the textures included in my file for others to enjoy my npc.


Please help!

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