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is there a "Drop everything" command?


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I've completed the main quest - and I want to dump everything and start fresh.

I've deposited all my gear into a chest - but it is still saying I'm carrying 15 pounds!


The only things showing in my inventory;

Letter from Falk Firebeard = 0 weight

Treasure Hunter's note = 0 weight

Attunement Sphere = 0 weight

and then the 3 elder scrolls (blood, sun, Dragon) at 20 units each - but that doesn't seem to count.


I think I may have added gear to my character via the console at some point that doesn't show up??


Is there a "drop all" command?



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drop | Force drop items from inventory | Use the command player.Drop <base ID> <amount> to drop items, including normally undroppable quest items.


Open console, click on any item that you are not able to drop to tag it, then type "drop"


Never tried, but I suppose it should work.


But this is not the way to "start fresh" ... your save game will still know exactly where you are and might expect certain things on your character. It can break things what you're doing.


Start fresh = start a new game ... If you don't want that because you'll loose the levels you gained and so on, there's various mods on Nexus that let you "cheat" your levels back without using the console (so, without the potential to break your game from the get go). Eg. Levelers Tower http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14152/

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Drop only works on one item at a time.


As warlordmordrid said, you can use player.showinventory to see what items you might have that aren't showing up in the interface. You can then use Drop instead of remove with those if you like. But frankly if you can't see them when they are in your inventory and they have weight then they probably should just be removed.

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