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Script Dragon not working.


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Hello. I'm very new to modding.


I've already installed ~15 mods, most of which work fine. The mods that don't work are the script dragon mods including the example mods that script dragon comes with. From SD 'Horse spanwer' and 'Weather changer' don't work (I didn't try the other ones), from what I downloaded 'No fast travel' and 'Decoration assistant' don't work.


I'm am using nexus mod manager and everything works fine.


I tryed to do some research and a big problem that I ran into is that many mods talk about an /asi/ folder that I just don't have in my game directory. It may be because I have a steam version of the game (I don't actually have the game on a disk, it just came with installer for steam and a code to get the game, so maybe the directories are different).


Mod manager installed all the mods perfectly fine but they just don't respond to any commands.


I tryed to manually install script dragon (I moved the files from the bin folder into the game directory, like the description to the mod says).


So yeah, I'm clueless and lost. Pls help.


For references:

Script Dragon - http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/8221/?

Decoration Assistant -http://skyrim.nexusm...om/mods/2475//?

No fast travel - http://skyrim.nexusm...om/mods/2075//?

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