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[LE] Best way to determine the current location of an NPC in a script

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What would be the best way to determine the current location of an NPC? By location here I mean a large area, larger than a CK Location. As in "this NPC is definitely somewhere in Whiterun". Or "definitely somewhere in Solitude + docks".


For example, I want to know if an NPC is in any segment of Whiterun.

I could check for their Worldpsace to be the Whiterun worldspace, that covers most of the town. But how do I handle interior cells? Interior cells are their own Worldspace, and most of them (like Jorrvaskr, Ysolda's home) are their own location too. Unfortunately these Location's don't really have Whiterun-related Keywords on them either (which could have been something to check on). I'd like to avoid the bloat of having to list a lot of conditions, manually comparing the parent location of the NPC to every Location that's known inside the city.

Is there a shortcut around this?



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