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Bow+Magic= Shot your magical arrow using your mana


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Well, as an introduction, I must say I'm quite the ROGUE type (stealth kill using arrow and knife)


That's why i found it quite strange that Skyrim does not have any bow that can shot magical arrow (acutally there is already a mod for a bow that shot really fantastic arrow effect (Fuh-Ro-Dah effect) but that is not what i have in mind)


Below is the idea list:

1. A "certain" bow that can convert your mana and magic into arrow and shot it to a very far distant (way further than your default magic range) and more accurate (due to faster projectile speed)

=> SImply speaking, you are casting magic when equipped the bow => resulting pulling the bow string with the magic arrow


2. Arrow effect depend on type of magic use: fire/ice/lightening magic = fiaming/ice/lightening arrow with same effect as the fire/ice/lightening magic and a low/low/high bonus to projectile speed


3. Damage: calculated by the damage of the magic you use to cast the bow + bow sperk level and skill

The bow itself should be made unique and have some enchantment to support the mana regeneration and mana cost


4. Why should we have this mod?

This mod should let the mage have a chance to changing to ranger w/o discard all of his/her benefit on the magic perk tree. Also give the ranger some motivation to train their magic skill. Using this bow should also train 2 perk at the same time (bow + fire/ice/shock )


Last thing I want to say is thank you for reading this post. I'm not a modder ( did mess around and edit some date in lots of mod but i'm not gonna call myselft a modder for that) but i know how hard it is to make a new mod and complete them. Just want to make an idea so SOMEONE could make it reality in a ... near (i hope) future.


Cheer! ( ^ ω ^)

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I have one mod that uses mana instead of arrows, but not a particular ice/fire/storm type of magic damage. Just mana draining physical damage arrows.


Hehe, thx for reply, will check your mod out first for a start :D

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