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Retext of the New Moon Phases


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Or perhaps I should say Text of the New Moon Phases. Apparently, the moons have no texture in the New Moon phase. (So I was told when I asked about a *re*texture here:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1037806-retext-of-the-new-moon-phase/).


I request a mod that fixes that crap.

This may just be impossible, but if anyone could fix this, it'd be a big improvement to the game--especially if you play with enhanced night sky or similar mods (and you do, right?).

Edited by RS13
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Heck, if someone could make a mod that just eliminated the Moons during the new moon phase that would be great too. That might be harder than texturing them, but it would work too.

Edited by RS13
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