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ultimate assassin weapon request


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I was wondering if some 1 could make a weapon that looks something like this you can make it Dwemer style i don't mind the basic idea is that its a bow that can change into a dagger or the other way around any way is fine be it a power or a spell or some other clever idea doesn't need 2 be animated thou if you can it would be cool i would just like a weapon where i carry it and have a bow and dagger




If any 1 els would also like a mod like this help me and comment may be some 1 will hear our plea :)

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Then were in luck i can do textures did a few for oblivion and minecraft :P so if you do the bow for me ill do the textures? also can you do the mesh? or only the script? and if you need i can draw up a concept art for what i imagine a Dwemer multi weapon would look like

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