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MEMod and TES4


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Guest kfmccall
Hmm, i hope some people from bethesda monitor our forums, many great suggestions for gameplay and game-immersion have been posted here.
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we have 6 days to go, while waiting, let's thinking...




















first, the inscriptions from the countdown:


8th. When the dragon dies, the Empire dies.

7th. Where is the lost dragons blood, the Empire's sire?

6th And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide?


well we see that, there is a prophecy: "When the dragon dies, the Empire dies." did you remember that? it's directly come from my character's jurnal:


"Geilir the mumbling couldn't tell my future, but Oddfrid did tell him about something else. He said that when the dragon dies, the empire dies. He also said something about the lost dragons blood and the empires sire , and the stemming of a blood tide . Geilir said it was all very cloudy, and does not refer to me directly"


now the in-game version:



"the skull of Oddfrid White-Lip is speaking to me, telling me your future. She says...she says you have accomplished much here on Solstheim, and your future is unclear. But wait! She sees something else. Something very cloudy, something that could affect us all. When the dragon dies, the Empire dies. Where is the lost dragon's blood, the Empire's sire? And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide? I...I do not know what this means. It is very unclear..." (Oddfrid's prophecy from Bloodmoon)


and lets take a look to the prophecy of nerevarine, the lost one:


The Lost Prophecy

"From seventh sign of eleventh generation,

Neither Hound nor Guar, nor Seed nor Harrow,

But Dragon-born and far-star-marked,

Outlander Incarnate beneath Red Mountain,

Blessed Guest counters seven curses,

Star-blessed hand wields thrice-cursed blade,

To reap the harvest of the unmourned house."


does this prophecy hint that the reborn Nerevarine is also Emperor's heir?

how does the Emperor know on which day the Nerevarine actually was born? Or how can the Emperor be so sure that this 'prisoner' (player) was born on a certain day?


is it because the emperor posseses the Elder Scrolls in the imperial capitol?

or is it because emperor eyewithnessed our born?...


and we see in the game, Caius Cosades had to leave Vvardenfell because of some sort of unrest...



so we know that there is some unrest in the empire. they call back legions and blades to protect empire. two of the tribunal died, vivec lost immortality... do you remember the agreement between sotha sil and daedras?...


let's go back to inscriptions...

i think, the dragon is emperor himself, and it is very clear that when emperor will die, the empire will collapse. why? because the heir of the empire (lost dragon's blood, aka. prince) is lost.


"And from the womb of the void, who shall stem the blood tide?"


now it is little tricky. we know what is "the womb of the void" Oblivion!


do you remember Eno Romari in tribunal?


Eno Romari, the prophet found in Godsreach in Tribunal whom Almalexia disliked so intensely, had some interesting things to say about what was going to happen next. Maybe it's time for another look. Check your jurnals :)


Eno says that, daedras will invade tamriel from the oblivion, because they will be released and bounds will be brocken that keep them in the Oblivion...


so "the blood tide" sounds like a great war between emperial forces and daedras.

"who shall stem"? Of course we! (i men the PC)


do you remember aryon?

what was his message?


"To the esteemed Divayth Fyr,

I will be blunt: I need an ally. The traditionalists and crazies have joined together against me. If something is not done, their short sightedness may bring house Telvanni to more direct conflict with Redoran, Indoril, Hlaalu and even the Empire! Surely you can predict the Empire's collapse as well as I... We should work together to save our house. You could claim a position on the council by merly asking. Even Gothren and Neloth must admit that you are older and wiser and in every way superior to them in the arcane arts."

-Decoded Message from Master Aryon


Aryon also thinks that Empire will collapse...


Oh and there's another thing!


The spectre of Tiber septim aka. Wulf (the old soldier), visit you in ghostgate on your way to the battle in red mountain... I think that this might be somehow connected... maybe Tiber Septim give you his lucky coin as a sign to Uriel Septim that he wants YOU to be the heir and this coin as actually a medallion that only the royal Septim family have... and now you are a part of it...

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you welcome Manwë, it is my profession (don't ask) B)


some new thoughts and things about my above post:


the big daedric letter in the splash screen is an big "O" letter. Initial for Oblivion?...


profecies says that we born by uncertain parents. who is most uncertain in the whole tamriel? Emperor and his wife?... sounds meaningful...


here the inscriptions: (some people said that they cannot see anything on the web page, i don't know why, but i write them here)










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i have some news again (sorry for the duble post, but it's a little bit different thing)


i made a search with the search string "ELDERSCROLLSOBLIVION" on the web. because i think that the next game's name will be "The Elder Scrolls IV: The Oblivion".

here is the whois report:



ZeniMax Media Inc

IT Department

1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120

Rockville, MD 20850 US

Phone: 301-948-2200

Fax..: 301-990-7025

Email: [email protected]

Registrar Name....:


Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com

Registrar Homepage: http://www.register.com


Created on..............: Wed, Feb 12, 2003

Expires on..............: Sun, Feb 12, 2006

Record last updated on..: Mon, Feb 09, 2004

Administrative Contact: ZeniMax Media Inc

DNS Admin 1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120

Rockville, MD 20850 US

Phone: 301-948-2200

Fax..: 301-990-7025

Email: [email protected]

Technical Contact:

ZeniMax Media Inc

DNS Tech

1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120

Rockville, MD 20850 US

Phone: 301-948-2200

Fax..: 301-990-7025

Email: [email protected]

Zone Contact:

ZeniMax Media Inc

DNS Tech 1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120

Rockville, MD 20850 US

Phone: 301-948-2200

Fax..: 301-990-7025

Email: [email protected]

Domain servers in listed order:




we can clearly see that bethesda (zenimax) registered this domain in 2003!!

any dobts about the game?...

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it will be a big expension or a totally new game, or another sequel of TES i wonder...

i think it will be closely related to morrowind not like arena and daggerfall.

nerevarine can be also heir of the emperor, but i don't think we will continue to play nerevarine, maybe we will quested to find nerevarine, if (s)he's not dead yet.


it'll probably be interesting, whatever it is


but it seems like TES has come to an end... maybe they will make prelude sections of TES like: "what was happened before uriel septim VII?"


probably TES4 will place in Summerset isle because it is like a gateway to Oblivion... and while it is an island, it makes things easier, like setting borders of the map.


well, if bethsoft don't make the map of whole continent...

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