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Wrye Bash and merging


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I have read the Wrye Bash Docs. I have followed STEP. I have used 'rebuild patch' feature as STEP says at the end.


1. How do I merge patches? I read all the docs and I don't see one that says what you do? This is different then 'rebuild patch' right?

2. The advanced Wrye Bash guide says I can have more than 1 bash patch. How do I do that? I have STEP installed and I am going to try Skyrim Revisited. I want to keep a separate Bash Patch for each. Is there a way to rename bash patches to give it a name like 'step_bash_patch'. ?


I want to merge my STEP mods into 1 bash patch. STEP says its optional. How do I do that? As stated, I will need another one for Skyrim Revisited, but I don't see how to manage 2.



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