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Horse armor mod


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The horse mane is clipping trough the armor and I would like to make it purchasable insted of replacing the vanilla saddle.



plase help me with this :)

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anyone got a clue of how to get rid of the horsemane ?


I believe convenient horses mod enables removal of the mane.


Can't quite remember in what capacity at this time though.

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I don't now much about Skyrim modding, but judging from my experience with modding of other games I can think of two different solutions. But both of them will still require editing of vanilla horse model:

First one and the simplest - I think that you can just make it so via scripts (some kind of modifiers) that then player buys the horse armor, the model of his horse will be replaced with the one with the armor and with removed mane.

Second one - edit vanilla horse model by making the mane as hideable section, similar to human hair in the game. Or you just can make horse armor's neck guard more higher so that it will cover horse's mane.

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