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Last Updated - Arbitrary Sort? (bug?)


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When using the "Last Updated" sort, it seems like the ordering is unreliable - they usually stay in the same order, but sometimes, a mod update will sneak into the middle of search results. This happens regardless of additional filter settings.


As an example - I checked the mod list last night (approximately 11PM CDT), and looked at everything from page 1 through ~page 10 (stopping at items dated 8/14/21). I opened each item I intended to download in a new tab, and downloaded most of them. Today (with this issue in mind), I went through to page 5 and found the results in the image below on page 4. I'm certain the Mator Smash update wasn't listed last night - it's a very distinct thumbnail, and it's about as exciting as a utility update can get.


I've always seen this issue, although frequency/max date affected seems to vary - on average it seems to only affect files updated in the past few days, but I've seen up to a week or two before. In this ~12 hours from my last search to this one, I found about 2-3 files like this, using the same filter settings. I'm not sure if it's an arbitrary sort, since it typically only seems to affect a handful of files, almost as if they're "late" inserted records?


Is this some sort of user error, or a known issue I can work around in some way? I've got a huge load order, tracking everything definitely isn't feasible (not to mention missing out on potential new mods).



Edited by Somedude10111
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