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Lag and FPS drop with mods


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Hi there,

I have been playing Skyrim since its release but I am relatively new to the whole modding scene. I am able to run Skyrim on ultra settings with no lag or fps drop without any mods. But I have been trying some visual/graphics mods and this is where I run into trouble. Here are the mods that I am using:


W.A.T.E.R- Water and Terrain Enhancement Redux

Project Reality-Climates of Tamriel V3

Enhanced Lights and FX



Enhanced Blood Textures

Skyrim Distant Detail


When I use these mods I get fps drops. My fps usually sits between 30-40 but occasionally(enough to annoy the hell out of me) the fps drops under 10 and I get pretty bad lag. I have tried using nvidia optimal settings and have also turned down some of the graphics settings in order to reduce lag but i've had no luck. I have a relatively new laptop, here are my specs:


ASUS G46VW Gaming Notebook

Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit

GPU: GeForce GTX 660M

CPU: Intel Core i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz

Memory: 7.89 GB

Resolution: 1366 x 768, (60Hz)


I am just wondering why im getting so much lag and fps drops with these mods. Is there a mod that I am using that my computer cant handle, or is my computer just not powerful enough to handle these mods? Also, I tried using a mod called "Gigantic Skyrim FPS Performance Patch" which is supposed to increase fps. This increased my average fps to 50-60 for the first day or so that I used it but now it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Any help would be great, Thanks.




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Well I tried to install the NVIDIA OPTIMUS D3D9 DLL FIX and in the install instructions it says to rename my current d3d9.dll file to d3d9orig.dll. But the only d3d9.dll file that I have in my skyrim folder came with the Gigantic Skyrim FPS Performance Patch which I uninstalled before downloading the mod that you suggested . So I put that d3d9.dll file that I removed back into my Skyrim folder and renamed it to d3d9orig.dll, and then copied the d3d9.dll file that came with the mod you suggested into my Skyrim folder. I didnt notice any difference in fps or lag. Im starting to wonder if I should just uninstall all of my graphics mods although it would be nice if I could find a way around it.

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Start blank... no added files in Skyrim folder (its ok to have stuff in Data). Then add Optimus Fix..


Don't place back the d3d9.dll of this Performance Patch... use d3d9.dll that comes with Optimus fix only. This is to make sure Skyrim is using your 660M chip and not the Integrated Graphics (probably Intel 4000).

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