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Far Cry

Please give me sniper scope reticle/crosshair.


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I am unable to use any of my sniper rifles because the crosshair in the high power scope is missing :(

Without it try killing birds in the sky for the marksman challenge, almost impossible.

Can someone modify the sniper weapon scope to include a crosshair, at this point i dont mind even a single dot at the centre of the scope view. PLEASE HELP!

Edited by CrrWllr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright guys found the fix, Downloaded and installed "Far Cry 3 Update v1.05" this fixed major issues like weapon automatically holstering every 5 seconds, and the crosshair problem for snipers.

Edited by CrrWllr
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  • 6 months later...

I found I lost the scope reticles in DX9 mode even in 1.05 by using the Nvidia control panel to implement antialiasing - they're fine in DX11 mode. In the case I describe, the fix is to properly disable MSAA in the game - but ENABLE it in the Nvidia control panel. Anyone needing to do this, just google "disable MSAA in Far Cry 3" to find out how to do that - then set it to ON in the game exe profile in nvidia control panel.

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