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UNP BBP Best heads and skins?


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I'm modding a fresh Skyrim and I want to make my female characters attractive. But I also want to indulge in such wondrous gaming and immersion-improving mods, like Immersive Armor, which happens to have a compatibility mod for UNP. So I decided to go with UNP. But I also got BBP for it because I like unrealistically large breasts.


The thing is though, I'm a SFW kind of guy. I tried using the Ashen race with this mod, but it overwrites the SFW settings and uses nude textures by default. And the Enhanced Character Edit seems to have issues with UNP BBP integration, not to mention the faces all look kinda... not good.


Are there any great mods that match pretty faces well with UNP BBP, and don't overwrite the SFW underwear skins? I don't mind a lack of realism, I'd just like youngish faces and smooth skin. I've seen some extremely pretty elf girl faces matched with UNP BBP, but I have no idea where those come from. I'm not really talented with the facial character edit, so preferably a facial mod that doesn't require a lot of meticulous work to get a pretty result.

Edited by OBmodist
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Underwear is part of the Body texture mostly (not always)...

You could try SG Female Texture Renewal which comes with various options and looks absolutely gorgeous


Also UNP compatible =/= UNP BBP compatible


Here, some face stuff


See if this helps you get on your way, download and install in this order... when asked to overwrite - overwrite. The reason why Pretty Face is there is because Female Texture Renewal does not do Elven faces. SG Female Texture will ask to overwrite all other, which is fine.


UNP Body (Normal one) | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709/

Pretty Face | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7887/

No More Blocky Faces | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30/

SG Female Texture Renewal | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267/

The Eyes of Beauty | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13722/

SG Brows | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35327/


Hairpacks and whatever of your choice.

UNP body needs UNP compatible armor (any other body can be used but UNP if most natural - other body shapes also need compatible armor).

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