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black junk everywhere


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all over the landscape where the plants and stuff are supposed to be, like this:

I've tried uninstalling then reinstalling all mods that directly have to do with textures and landscapes. I've learned how NMM load orders work, and it's not that. Anyone familiar with this problem, and know if it might have any possible fixes? Something ini maybe? Sorry, but I'm newish to the process-doing the best I can on my own, learning the BOSS and TES5 stuff as I go along, and I searched for a lot of info before resorting to putting up this post. There seems to be little to no information on it to be found.


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update: the problem is gone (for now, anyway).

The two things that happened between when I posted the above problem and now is that I installed the Bethesda High Res DLC optimized mod, and I used Skyrim Save Cleaner to clean my savegames. I'm not sure which of the two was the fix, but at this point I don't want to undo either just so I can find out. If you have the same problem, just try both :-)

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Beth. HiRes DLC fixes it, because what you see are problems related to textures/meshes...

Cleaning your save probably did more harm then good (I tried that myself and in general the save works fine afterwards and goes completely banana's not too much later - I would say open the save from before cleaning and see if the game works fine in there, and keep using that save instead).

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I didn't have any problems with the post cleaned saves either... it just started a few days further playing down the road where quests became broken. I tried cleaning 3 times on a save that I managed to break (3 different saves at completely different times), every time I had the same result.


Just a head's up, nothing else.

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