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Skyrim HD Load problem


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I have browsed this forum and many others and still cannot figure out my problem. When I first make a new character the load times are perfect and skyrim runs smoothly with only 15 second load times maximum, but this is where my problem comes in.

After playing for awhile I save (in a building just to make sure the load times are not as bad) and I exit the game. I relaunch the game and load up my save and it will sit there loading for more than 15 minutes (It might take more because that is the longest I waited before closing the game.)

I have vsync forced turned on. I even capped my FPS to 35 using FPS Limiter and that still does nothing. I have Skyrim HD Full and if I turn it off the load times are back to normal. I just dont understand why when I first make a character it loads fine, but when I exit the game after playing for awhile it wont load my save anymore. If anyone can help me with this issue I would greatly appreciate it.

Computer specs:

Res: 1680x1050

CPU: Intel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz


OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit


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I don't really have a solution to your problem, but I might have a workaround. Instead of immediately loading your character after launching the game, start a new game, and then load you character. I often have the same problem as you, and this seems to be an effective way around the problem.

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Alright after messing around with my mods for awhile I figured out what was causing the problem. It was the Skyrim HD-Misc file. I dont understand why out of all of the Skyrim HD files that it would be that one causing the problem.


After re-reading over everything for Skyrim HD I saw this "Skyrim HD - Misc: This includes the rest; Reflections, Water, Sky, Clutter, Clothes and the fix for the textures in the HD DLC (also usable without HD DLC)." I have other mods that edit those textures and they have never caused this problem. I still havent figured out why this file would be the one increasing my load times. If anyone could help me on this that would be amazing.


Disabling Skyrim HD- Misc fixed the problem for me, so if anyone else is having that problem disable it.

Edited by jman8805
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