Rational314 Posted July 17, 2013 Share Posted July 17, 2013 CaelThunderwing banned. Reason for the banPiracy of skyrim Predator467And unlike Bethesda they don't release any type of goty edition that included all the dlc DrGrimmsigh Seraphiel0090I hope dragonage 3 is better then both Predator467Dragon Age 3 seems good so far Blitz54@Mill agreed GracinfieldsNo Bioware did that Sirjahar, mostly due to them trying to make it work for console users DrGrimmBioware is responsible for the DLC, and the death of their over franchises DeapriI didn't get around to playing Mass Effect till they were all bundled. DrGrimmThey were become a hack developer before EA even bought them GracinfieldsDA:O worked well on PC but sucked on console, DA2 worked well on Console but blew on PC DrGrimmbecoming* SirJaharThe plot was garbage as well as game play. Predator467true sorry for my lack of knowledge DeapriMeh, I've played worse plots. keizerdoc*sigh* Predator467I like when Bioware made games like KOTOR because KOTOR came complete and had no need for DLC's Seraphiel0090I still have a old copy of baldur's gate DrGrimmThe amount of cut content in Kotor was staggering GracinfieldsME1 came complete but had two great on DLCs Yep, mostly to get it out the door on time SirJaharAnd Amalur had a pitiful final act. zeonicgatoThe DLC for borderlands is over 80 dollars on sale right now thats stupid just the dlc Deapriso, don't buy it. GracinfieldsME2 Had a lot of nice add on DLC that wasn't pulled from the game zeonicgatowont Deapriproblem solved. Predator467Ya I loved Mass Effect 2 GracinfieldsME3 also had a lot of add on DLC not pulled from the game drphiltronhas entered the room Predator467It felt complete even without dlc zeonicgatoME was great ill pay for the game and possible dlc but will be happy either way DrGrimmThe only DLC you should even consider for Borderlands 2, is the campaign stuff GracinfieldsAlso DICE their "DLC" are more like mini expansion packs zeonicgatois the 550 Ti gonna struggle with BF4? DrGrimmDLC has become a catch all for pretty everything now23:45 Deaprihmm pretty decent card that. keizerdocI had all the DLC for Borderlands 2, then I stopped playing. Waste of money. Only get DLC if you're sure you are gonna play the game. darkedge42392Oh hey, I'm still in here. GracinfieldsNo idea they might recommend a 660 so no idea Oublietteand that, is why you don't order Chinese food right before closing blech Remel1has entered the room DrGrimmAnd to many people are under the impression that they need to get all of it drphiltronhas left the room Arcticiashouldnt order any type of food right before closing darkedge42392Only games I play are ones I can sink some hours into. XD GracinfieldsWell DLC is here to stay mostly due to the fact its a faster way to get expansion out and also get return value on used game sales Predator467Ya zeonicgatomy origin says ive got over 550 hours on fifa 13, i dont know how that is possible darkedge42392Deapri, what's the specs for your system if you don't mind me asking? Blitz54had over 350 on NFL2k5. Only game I've ever recorded, and thats because the game had a recorder lol Deapriin need of upgrade JudgeGrimmhas entered the room DeapriI'm too ashamed to say. JudgeGrimmI am having yet another problem with my game. GracinfieldsIf someone buys a game then gets a DLC pack then resales it to Gamestop then the next person picks up that used copy and they also buy the DLC that same copy sold two copies of DLC MilleniaI recently broke 500 hours in Super Street Fighter IV zeonicgatothey are coming out with a new engine for Fifa 14 on the XBOX one, but the PC gets stuck with last gens game, so stupid, gonna buy it anyway... MilleniaProlly gonna hit 600 by the end of the summer heh darkedge42392Aww. >.< Well, at least you can play Skyrim with an ENB. That means its pretty decent. :3 Blitz54I liked PS2 games with hour counters. zeonicgatomy Phantasy Star online characters have a whole lot of hours, a lot Seraphiel0090What is the best emb to you guys that has the best picture? ENB* GracinfieldsHad over 600 hours in BF3 and BC2 Deaprioh, it has a LOT more than that, but hitting my 660 really hard, need to get a new motherboard and cpu MilleniaWildly opinion based Seraphiel JudgeGrimmMy game has been freezing periodically, but then returns back to normal, along with taking longer to save. Also, my Hypothermia and Real Needs and Diseases haven't been working properly. rick0307has entered the room darkedge42392Depends on how much performance you want to lose, Saraphiel MilleniaFor instance, I prefer mine to have a lot of colour saturation and not much bloom, others prefer the opposite Depends on the game, too Deaprihow big is your save file? JudgeGrimmMine? Deapriyes JudgeGrimmLet me check23:50 darkedge42392Anyone want a gummy watermelon ring? o3o DeapriI'm the same Mill Blitz54woot only 18 unrecognized files for Boss now JudgeGrimmHow do you check? darkedge42392**chews one** darkedge42392Hmm.... Not too great. JudgeGrimmIt's weird though. The attributes in RN&D and Hypothermia aren't changing. DeapriImage this is with the enb I'm working on. trying to get rich color and sharp as a razor. Blitz54my save files climbed up to 20mb. Most recent one went down to 15 though? lol JudgeGrimmI even deleted my data folder and restored it to an older one before it started happening, yet it persists. MilleniaHeh, cool rick0307has left the room Milleniathis is what I did with my enb preset Deaprilook at the mydocs/mygames/skyrim/saves MilleniaVanilla New Vegas is so dreary and orange Blitz54oh mill I like Deapriyeah same mind there JudgeGrimmAnd those periodic freezes get really annoying. They're freezes like when the game is autosaving, but it isn't. DeapriJudge, I am asking the size of the save file to determine if it's bloating. Need data to help you. CaelThunderwinghmm umm Question w/ the USKP patches do you need only one for the latest DLC installed or can all of em co-exist? zeonicgatoso skyrim detected my video card abilities, and auto set it to Ultra High, but the 550 Ti is still inadequate? darkedge42392Mill, I likey. Pariquelhas entered the room JudgeGrimm4 KB? Deapriall JudgeGrimmNo, wait Deaprithat's not possible JudgeGrimmThe ESS is 80,147 KB Blitz54O.o Deapriouch DrGrimmThat bloat JudgeGrimmDatbloat darkedge42392Cael, all the USKP files fix a certain DLC.23:55 JudgeGrimmSuggestions? Deaprishould be around mmm 10k tops Tsev92has entered the room GracinfieldsHmmm Let me check my save folder for Oblivion Deaprifind the mod with the bad scripts and start a new game. vinniewryansuggestion: stop dropping items in the world Deapriheh that too darkedge42392USKP fixes Skyrim itself, the Dawnguard one fixes the Dawnguard DLC, etc vinniewryanget TCSP (trash cans of skyrim) and use them PariquelFirst, Hi. GracinfieldsWith all my Oblivion saves 1.68 gigs CaelThunderwingwell i encountered the Issue with Asorbing Dragon souls and after trial and error seeing what broke it, USKP for the base gam eitself was stopping Dragon Rising from finishing. JudgeGrimmSo, after all that work, over one hundred hours in game working my ass off, I have to start over? Blitz54And dont hoard the stuff either. DSivirahas entered the room Deapriwell you could try resting for 31days to unspawn stuff. SyrencallOr Tsev92Hey guys, got an issue here... I have used the NMM to instal a few mods (immersive armor/weapons and helgen reborn) but none of the content shows up in game. PariquelSecond. I dont speak english, Third, Is this the right place to ask a quetion abouts skyrims mos? JudgeGrimmWhat could be causing it to bloat? SyrencallDance like I am darkedge42392USKP fixes bugs in Skyrim. If a mod is overwriting its changes. Then conflicts happen Blitz54and maybe try that script removing tutorial thing? If you really want to save the file. I've never tried it myself yet vinniewryan^ that does work SyrencallIf you don't have the mod that links bodies to their gear, your save game will bloat with every kill fh139has left the room Deapritoo much junk in the world loaded, bad recurring scripts... that kinda thing. Rokalushas entered the room AddictedBloovinnie I got an idea about the PSU Deapriuskp does that now vinniewryanoh? AddictedBloolaptop psu Deapriso, make sure all your unofficials are up to date. CaelThunderwingdarkedge, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1038200-uskp-bugging-out-dragon-rising-cant-complete-after-killing-dragon/ it includes teh Mod list order. not sure which mod of that list is causing the conflict in this case. DrGrimmupdate 13? CaelThunderwingthat... might be it. my copy was before it hit Steam. DrGrimmbefore it hit steam? DrGrimmThere was never a before it steam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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