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Skyrim keeps MINIMIZING!?


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After downloading some mods, Skyrim didn't even want to start up.


I downloaded all the mods manually from Steam by dragging everything in the folders into my Skyrim Data Folder.


So, seeing as it would crash on the dragon logo page on startup, I started sorting through mods at about five at a time on my list to see which one was the bad one. Turns out there were a lot of bad ones, and after figuring out which of the seven they were I just barely got the game to work. There were still a couple problems, like Skyrim would freeze completely if I tried to do showracemenu and I'd have to reboot my entire computer, and it still minimized off and on. I tried deleted my SkyrimPrefs, which actually worked, but only for a few hours until I decided to make a new character. Now my Skyrim keeps on minimizing like a maniac and it's a b**** trying to reopen the game because it gets super glitchy, and then will just minimize again fifteen seconds later.

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1...Crash on startup is a mod missing a master, perhaps one of the DLC's on another required mod.

2...Load order is important, get a mod management tool like NMM, try not to use Steam workshop if you plan on using a lot of mods. Use BOSS to sort your load order if youre unsure about it. BOSS is only a guideline and should only be used to sort it 'more or less' after which you need to manually change a thing left and right based on the mod description.

3...Minimizing skyrim is mostly due to another application running in the background. Known candidates that minimize Skyrim are Xfire and iTunes. Of course there are more. Close background programs until the problem goes away and you've found the program causing it.

4...Freezing on Showracemenu is due to your hair packs, you will need a Precache killer like this one to get rid of it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526/

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I'm always very careful to see all the requirements of any mods I do install, and I don't have Xfire or iTunes on this specific computer and I'd have no idea what program could be causing it to minimize.. Before it would crash on startup with some mods, but I figured which ones were causing it and disabled them and now it just minimizes in game about every fifteen seconds. There are periods though when it will have no minimizing at all (a couple times when I started Skyrim up without Steam).. I wasn't using NMM before because the NMM website was really screwy for me when I started using this computer which was about a week ago, so that's why I resorted to installing them manually.. BUT, if I do start to use NMM (since the website is getting more manageable), will I have to refind and reinstall every single mod that I have? Or can I just somehow transfer the plug-ins to be official mods?

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I'm always very careful to see all the requirements of any mods I do install, and I don't have Xfire or iTunes on this specific computer and I'd have no idea what program could be causing it to minimize..


You can disable programs running in the background of Windows to find what is causing it... You refer to Steam... Just as test can you kill Steam when playing? See it that works



I wasn't using NMM before because the NMM website was really screwy for me when I started using this computer which was about a week ago, so that's why I resorted to installing them manually.. BUT, if I do start to use NMM (since the website is getting more manageable), will I have to refind and reinstall every single mod that I have? Or can I just somehow transfer the plug-ins to be official mods?


If you want you mod files (so not the plugins, but all the loose files that may come with mods) managed by NMM you need to reinstall them with NMM. Plugins themselves will already show up in NMM.


The reason why I suggest not to use Steam Workshop for large load orders is because Steam workshop automatically updates mods to the latest version. This is a non issue with just a few added mods, but starts to be a major concern when you have 1) a lot of mods from Steam or; 2) a lot of mods in general. Because of compatibility issues between mods. A newer version is not always a better version... so it's not nice if you do not have a choice.

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