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Need Modding help please LSAR undergarments.


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Ok heres the problem im having. I downloaded an armor mod called LSAR Undergarments. I like this mod but do not like the color. I attempted to mod the color using gimp as shown in a tutorial that i watched. The problem is that there are 5 sets.

undergarment 1 upper and lower

" 2 upper and lower

" 3 upper and lower

" 4 upper and lower

" 5 lower


Now for the rest of the issue. I was able to successfully change the color on all of them in gimp. When i load my game and go to view them only 1 and 2 work when i use 3 4 or 5 the game crashes. Im unsure whats causing this. One thing i do know is undergarments 1 and 2 are solid colored but 3 through 5 have a pattern on them. So i used the paintbrush tool on merge grain for sets 1 and 2 but i used the paint bucket to do the patterned ones but still set it to merge grain.


I dont plan on releasing this as a mod for others as i dont have permission to do that from the original author im just modifying it for myself. I may look into getting permissions and release color variants but that depends on the author. First i have to get through this issue before i take any steps toward doing that. Im a first time modder i understand the file structure i can use the construction kit and correct paths etc. (not fluently mind you) but if anyone can help me fix this issue i would really appreciate it.


Note: if you are the author of the LSAR undergarments mod and are willing to give permission for me to release other colors or if you can do this for me i would majorly appreciate it. I hope you dont mind me using your mod as a blueprint to learn how to mod.(which is why i wont be releasing any variants that i create without your permission)


btw im new to the forum and do not know how to contact the authors of these mods any help there would be appreciated as well.


If anything needs clarified just ask and ill try my best.

Edited by whitetiger2695
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