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Another mod request: Enhanced Racism


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I just recently developed an interest to play a Khajiit or Argonian character, hoping that when I played people would react appropriately. Things such as being threatened, belittled and unable to enter cities without some effort. But after doing some research, I learned this simply doesn't happen. I have heard plenty of other requests for something similar from multiple people, and I want to see it happen.

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more racism was originally intended for the game but was cut during development because of assumed "discontentment". An example of the intended racism against Argonians from Nords especially.


But that's what happens when they start trying to make the game fit into cookie-cutters, each new version gets more and more dumbed down then its predecessors Ex. Morrowind was epic in nature --> Oblivion felt more confined then Morrowind --> Skyrim even more confined --> TES Online will be even more reduced to achieve perceived "Balance" and it forces you into racial alignments.

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Being degraded, threatened and generally looked down upon was a big reason I wanted to play as an Argonian or Khajiit. It would really add to the game. Even if it's just comments as you pass by people.

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So far, the Trade & Barter mod affects prices depending on what race you are and what race the merchant is.

I imagine adjusting the script T&B uses will allow certain NPCs to have positive or negative relation points with the player upon first meeting depending on the chosen race. This would be generic dislike, as if you'd stolen an item with them watching or attacked them previously, though, and comments wouldn't be aimed at the race in particular.

Edited by FrankyDank
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