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flickering lighting ._.


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i use ENB with realistic preset - CoT + HD Fire textures +RLO


there is the problem in action

wtf - http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/903254174001658180/00D0629BC2790D88B0C13A9575C37879FB45141E/
ok - http://i.imgur.com/lP2ljX6.jpg
thanks in advance!


also,this only happening in houses,forts,so basicaly everywhere expect outside. i have no issues in towns,in the wilderness,only in houses. At some point,there is a room for example,pretty dark,but there is a slight light come in trough the window and the its like somebody turn on the lamp in the room.. very annoying :(


also,i forgot the mention,i checked my Loadorder,everything is fine according to RLO loadorder article,so i have no idea :c

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ENB with realistic preset, this happens to be Project ENB?
Project ENB comes with some plugins which are not RLO compatible... Do you have Alvor's house plugin active by any chance, or maybe any other interior lighting mod (or a mod that affects interior image spaces like Fixed Eye Adaptation or ENB Further Darken Dungeons) is active as well?


Use only 1 mod that affects lighting in any area, they are generally not compatible.

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ENB with realistic preset, this happens to be Project ENB?

Project ENB comes with some plugins which are not RLO compatible... Do you have Alvor's house plugin active by any chance, or maybe any other interior lighting mod (or a mod that affects interior image spaces like Fixed Eye Adaptation or ENB Further Darken Dungeons) is active as well?


Use only 1 mod that affects lighting in any area, they are generally not compatible.



yes,project ENB. and i dont use the dungeon interor file from CoT neither,but i use the eye adaption,i try to disable it,and post if its helped or not,thanks for your input! :)

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Eye Adaptation wont cause issues when loaded before RLO (that's where it should be so it only affects outside world). RLO has it's own adaptation which is pretty good.

You sure you didn't install the Dynamic Shadows and Striping fixed thing that comes with it? If not then please post your plugin list... I might be able to spot some problems... I'm quite at home in the lighting mods :)

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Eye Adaptation wont cause issues when loaded before RLO (that's where it should be so it only affects outside world). RLO has it's own adaptation which is pretty good.

You sure you didn't install the Dynamic Shadows and Striping fixed thing that comes with it? If not then please post your plugin list... I might be able to spot some problems... I'm quite at home in the lighting mods :smile:


i use some adult mods too,so beware. :wink:









thats all.

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Eye Adaptation wont cause issues when loaded before RLO (that's where it should be so it only affects outside world). RLO has it's own adaptation which is pretty good.

You sure you didn't install the Dynamic Shadows and Striping fixed thing that comes with it? If not then please post your plugin list... I might be able to spot some problems... I'm quite at home in the lighting mods :smile:


i use some adult mods too,so beware. :wink:









thats all.


omgomgomg. i love you sooooooooooo much. thanks for your help! <3

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