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Nexus mod manager mod gone?


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(I'm not sure if this is the right subforum to post in so sorry if its wrong)

So i've bought Skyrim in the summer sale and am now using the nexus mod manager to install mods. But since a minute ago when I tried to install a new mod on the skyrim.nexusmods.com with the green button (dowload with nexus mod manager) I saw that all my mods in the modslist dissappeared. I've looked into the folder where I installed the nexus mod manager and all the mod files are gone... They are still in the game though, but how do I manage these mods now? Can I retrieve the files in the installed directory?


Can someone help me? If you could I would really appreciate it.


[[Here is some more information:

I played skyrim twice today, once in the morning when I installed some sunsprite mod. The mod manager did see all my mods. The second time I opened up the mod manager (10 minutes ago) all my mods are gone from the list where they should be in and all the mod files have been deleted.

I did not shutdown my pc today, neither did I run some sort of pc cleaning program because i also dont have one.

Plugin list is still there with my plugins]]

Also some pics in link:


(I tried to install this new mod so explains why there is only one mod, i had much more before)

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Best you post it here... NMM bug report forum: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-3-mod-manager-open-beta/

They might be able to tell you how to restore it.

Thx, I will post it there

Here is the link to that post if anyone wants to help me


Edited by fireutsie
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