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Could use some help trying to solve an issue I'm having.


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Okay. So I uploaded my first mod to the Nexus and Steam workshop called "Thalmor only use Elven weapons and armor."


And so far it's been doing okay. I haven't got any complaints and such. It is more popular on the workshop then it is here. And one of the guys that downloaded it on the workshop says that before my mod the Dunmer guards in the Dragonborn DLC, (I'm assuming he's talking about the Redoran guards) were using different weapons. And then after using my mod they are just using Elven weapons.


I checked the Creation kit and it only shows them using elven weapons. The don't seem to have a level list but instead just have the Elven weapons put in their inventory. So I figured that he must be using a mod that allows them to use different weapons.


I asked him to list the weapon mods that he has and he listed 2. "Heavy armor - New weapons," and "Variant Expansion" I've checked both mods in the creation kit, and neither appear to modify the Redoran guards weapons (Unless a few of the Redoran guards aren't listed as Redoran guards). So I decided to come here and see if anyone knows what's going on. I would like to try and solve this issue for the guy, but I don't know if I can.

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