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Harder New vegas


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After a long time (hundreds of hours) playing new vegas i have only 1 complaint, it's too easy. Too many guns too much ammo and way too many energy weapons. I'd love for a mod (or a link if one exists) that all but removes energy weapons (to make them the prizes they should be no the throw away bits of junk they are, on par with say guns in mad max) and make ammo and guns a lot rarer. The large amount of gun everywhere with dirt cheap ammo really kills the "post apocalyptic feel" down to a "well it could be better feel". It may break the NCR/legion conflict and nerf the BOS, but i think it'd be worth it, i've played the missions to death and play it for the RTS and Wasteland defence mod now. I could try to make one (if anyone knows how such a thing could be done?), but i've really no experience with the GECK

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This would actually be simple and would be a good mod for you to start with. Especially since you'd be better off making the mod so you could edit your installed mods as well, so you could maintain balance as you see fit.


Just open up the geck, go to the weapons tab, and right click on a weapon. Hit the "use info" option, and a small dialogue box will pop up that has a list of every instance of the items in the game. The bottom box is items placed in the game world, the top box is any other uses of it (leveled lists, rewards etc.)


Double clicking on anything in the box will open the object in question. Just delete the object from the world, or remove it from the leveled list.


I recommend testing out the results before doing it to everything, the Geck is pretty intuitive, and anyone can use it.

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