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Can someone show me a decent face mod? (For player and NPCs)


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I've been all over the mod site, and I found tons and TONS of amazing mods for retextures <3


Problem is, I can't seem to find a decent facial mod that makes young faces look young and old look old.



THIS would be perfect, but when I used the pretty face mod, it didn't seem to work with me as well as it looks.


Can anyone show me something that can make faces look like that for both the player and NPCs?

(Note, That's a female example, would also like some males!)

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Pretty faces is just the morph if I'm not mistaking...


Those beautiful faces you talk about is basically a combination or 3 or even more mods together and not a single download/install and voila, pretty people.


See if this helps you get on your way, download and install in this order... when asked to overwrite - overwrite.


UNP Body (Normal one) | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709/

Pretty Face | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7887/

No More Blocky Faces | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30/

SG Female Texture Renewal | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267/

The Eyes of Beauty | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13722/

SG Brows | http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35327/


Hairpacks and whatever of your choice.

UNP body needs UNP compatible armor (any other body can be used but UNP if most natural - other body shapes also need compatible armor).

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Only Pretty Face and SG Female Texture Renewal since it uses other textures on faces. You have to decide which ones you want: Barbies or more real women

I wanted a crossing between realism and Anime, and the one mentioned above you were perfect~


Sorry mate. Thanks anyway!

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