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I really need some help here!


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This happens all the time when I play new Vegas, it usually freezes when talking to doc Mitchel as soon as you start. I have to restart my computer, the sound works and everything its just like the screen messes up completely. My computer is not the greatest but I could run skyrim and fallout 3 without these issues. sorry about the photo bit that is the general idea of what happens.
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1) Make sure you have the latest video drivers installed. If you're using Nvidia, the 320 drivers are a little buggy, so get the 314 ones.


1a) You said you just got a new monitor? Make sure you have your game set to the monitor's (or lower) native resolution. Also, finding and installing the specific manufacturer's display driver helps.


2) Research the net to see if anyone else has this specific bug. I'd recommend Bethseda's support forums.


3) Ensure your hardware meets the requirements for the game, and if it's close, then try setting the graphic settings lower to increase performance.


And as a side note, make sure your card/system isn't overheating while under heavy loads.



Hope this helps.


- Keith

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Perhaps your new screen does not like your old video settings. Try removing "Fallout.ini" from your "My Games\FalloutNV\" folder and starting the game from the launcher. Be sure to redo any fixes and mods to the INI if it works.

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