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Don't seem to be able to install Legendary Edn over standard Edn


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I have a new copy of Skyrim Legendary Edition (ie game + 3x DLC's), but already had an early version of Skyrim (ie game, no DLC's). I've installed it (ie just autorun it!) via Steam but it doesn't seem to have "added" the 3x DLC's and, I suspect, it has not overwritten the originally installed version ... I was also NOT asked for the "new" DC key.


Any suggestions?


(Thanks in advance)



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SOLVED ... Beth' actually responded to my enquiry quite quickly and fully ... basically I had to uninstall Skyrim (ie original) then use "activate a product on Steam" (under very top level of Steam menu, games) with the new CD key, then follow the prompts (etc) but CANCEL the install from Steam (so I took it off disk ... quick than downloading for most!) ... seemed to work, I have the 3 x DLC's and my old save games work.

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