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Exterior radios stop playing when I return to the area


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This is a bit of a nitpicky issue, so forgive me, but I found that if I come back to an outside area where a radio was previously playing (such as various prospector's shacks and neal's shack) the radio light is on but the radio is silent. The first time I discover the radio it's working fine but when I return later it's always silent. So i have to turn it off and on again each time to get it playing. To be clear, this only happens with exterior radios, not ones inside a shop for example. Does anyone else experience this? Is it a known issue?



Edited by sharki9876
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Okay so I've learned that this only happens if you fast travel directly to the location of the radio. If you walk to the area from somewhere else like an adjacent location then the glitch doesn't happen. Maybe the cell loads differently or something

This was annoying me a lot more than it should and now it's only annoying me a little bit. Case closed I guess

Edited by sharki9876
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