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Two-Handed Weapon (or simply Greatsword) "only" spells.


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Anyone know of a mod that gives you spells for only two-handed weapons? Or, if possible, perks that make two-handed weapons a bit "cooler" to use?


Two-Handed weapons seem to be the most "boring" animations out of all the weapons: You simply swing your weapon VERY slowly, and pray you hit and kill something.


I'd like a simple spell or a new perk to allow you to move quickly and kill an enemy.


Example for Greatswords:


If it was a new perk, allow the Forward Power Attack to have you dash forward and slice through all enemies in a short to medium range with your Greatsword. You will move VERY quickly.


Or, if it was a new spell, simply cast the spell and your character dashes forward and slices through enemies.


Basically, if you guys have seen a little bit of anime or ninja movies where you have a character wielding a sword and he dashes REALLY quickly past the enemy, pauses, and the enemy just falls and dies? That's pretty much what I'm asking for for Greatswords.


For other weapons, I'm not sure yet. Maybe let WarHammers have the ability to knock enemies back using their Forward Power Attack. This would be a nice addition.


Something along these lines of variety... and maybe mobility and speed, as the two-handed weapons are the most boring weapons so far in Skyrim...


I LOVE two-handed weapons, yet I feel other weapons have more variety in how they play.


One-handed + Shield allows you to block, shield bash, and attack. Blocking is obviously pretty useful as you can block arrows and spells easily, unlike Two-handed weapons.


Two one-handed weapons allows you to do VERY quick attacks with added damage. This is actually much more superior to the current Two-Handed weapons, as two one-handed weapons gives you MORE enchantments and more DPS in general.


Now, I don't want Two-Handed weapons to be overpowered.

I just want them to be more viable. They need to be buffed just a little bit to keep up with the other weapons.



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