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Questions about SkyRe


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Hi :happy:


I'm currently playing Skyrim with SkyRE installed, previous to this I had ERSO at the moment (I'm level 10) and while I enjoy the perk changes and other gameplay effects I'm finding it a bit too easy by comparison.


I just wanted to ask any of you that has played Skyre; are enemies and vendors deleveled? Do the enemies located in dungeons, forts, caves and mines adjust to your level or exist independently of your skill?


I have the enemy scaling and encounter zones modules installed so I assume they are deleveled but every enemy I've encountered so far (main quest only) I've had little trouble beating in contrast to ERSO where I spent most of my time dying.



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umm dunno... how many arrows can you take before you crumble and die? I play SkyRe as well and 2 hits on me and I'm dead. Run out of stamina? I'm dead. 2 enemies manage to get close to me? I'm dead.


Not quite sure you installed it right and/or you don't have ReProccer and ran it and/or you run on an older version of SkyRe and/or you don't have any mods to make enemies better (because SkyRe doesn't really make them better AI wise).


SkyRe doesn't delevel them, it does add encounter zones... can be quite annoying to start as Thief with Live another Life and you cannot get past the 2nd quest of the thieves guild because NPC > you big time over there. Encounter zones are a bit random tho.

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Thanks for your reply, I don't have Reproccer what does it do? Your experience describes me sometimes, especially the stamina conundrum but i breezed through Bleak Falls Barrow in SkyRe whereas in ERSO every battle was a grind.


SkyRe does come with a combat module so I assumed that would make enemies tougher; if not what mod do you suggest I get to improve enemy AI.

Edited by shocco
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I don't have Dawnguard or Dragonborn so I'm using 0.99163 will the armour values not be changed without reproccer?


Thanks for your suggestion I'm going to install EEAI; I think that's reason fights have been relatively unchallenging do I simply untick the Skyrim AI module?

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nop, leave SkyRe enabled...


In the version without DG and DB you don't need ReProccer... I don't know how it plays since I never played that version... I just know version 1 - 1.2 ... I cant play 1.3 because of some issues I have with it.

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I suggestion Locational Damage, Economics of Skyrim, Trade and Barter, ASIS, WTF and SUM


ASIS and WTF work like Reproccer, because they are SkyProc programs, these are programs that make dynamic patches based on all other mods in the game. ASIS gives enemies spells from any new mods, WTF adds 'unleveled' enemies, that can be much lower... or much much higher then your level. These together make the game very brutal!

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