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See Approval/Disapproval in Dialogue


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When having dialogs, whether with specific companions or elsewhere, I find myself wishing I could see in advance which choices will lower or raise approval with various party members. I use the Dragon Age Origins wiki page a lot for this, but it'd be nice to have some indication right in-game during the dialog. I mean usually you can tell which response is going to bring negative or positive results. But some can be tricky... like Sten. Or other times some responses seem innocuous enough, but then you get a negative hit because apparently they took it differently then it seemed you meant it to be.


Does anyone know if a mod like this may already exist? I've been doing some poking around and don't see anything. I know Dialog Tweaks makes a lot of changes, but as far as I can tell it doesn't really do this. (I haven't installed DT, as it seems to be incompatible with another mod, and I just haven't taken the time yet to sort it out. I probably will, though, eventually.)

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  • 9 months later...

I am aware of no mod that does this.

It would require parsing through thousands of lines of dialogue, much of which a given character will never encounter, and modifying the superscript text for each one that has approval impact.


As Sten might say, "Unlikely."

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