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Far Cry

Mod Request: Housing Mod IDC How good or bad. Also Zombies


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Would really love to see any kind of housing mod, I don't care if its a little log cabin, maybe have a place you can have storage, would really like personally for it to be at the usual first place, Fall's End. New to the game and was so disappointed they didn't do anything for housing other than liberated outposts. Also really want to be able to sit down. As Far as I know you can't do either, but I'm new. Also, Zombies, I saw the other forum about a zombie mod, and feel the exact same as he does, they should of did what RDR1 did and added them to the original map, perhaps someone could do a mod that spawns them from the zombie dlc. Who knows, this is my first time posting in the nexus forums actually. Thanks for your time.

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