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New vegas stuck at picture of Veteran Ranger at the beginning, nothing

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Title. I was installing some mods and now this happens. I can't press any buttons, but the game doesn't crash. It just stays at the picture of the ranger vet and doesn't load any text. I can't even access steam overlay for some odd reason. My only hope is to Ctrl-alt-delete to do anything. any ideas on how to fix this? my full list of mods (though it doesn't straight up crash anymore) and load order is:



(All currently available DLC, too lazy to list)


(I'm going to skip over all of my fluff mods because I want to save time)




*have all of the WMXUE patches disabled except for AWOP.esp and ModernWeapons.esp


Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: I've deactivated all my WMXUE files and everything is working.

Edited by WalterREBoRN
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