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B.O.S. & Enclave Treaty?


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Alright then, but about Hardin, I don't recall him being exiled though. I can probably make another person exiled besides Hardin because I don't have the original voice actor for Hardin. I decided the oucasts should not be in there also. I thought I should use a new paladin instead that I made already.


If you guys want pics just ask.


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No, Hardin wasn't exiled in the game. However he would be the more likely candidate to be exiled and therefore cause the very scenario you want. He's of high enough rank that he can actually get others BoS members to come along with him.

Alright then, but about Hardin, I don't recall him being exiled though. I can probably make another person exiled besides Hardin because I don't have the original voice actor for Hardin. I decided the oucasts should not be in there also. I thought I should use a new paladin instead that I made already.


If you guys want pics just ask.


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So if the Courier finishes the BOS storyline, I could make Hardin all of a sudden leave the Hidden Valley Bunker because of exile. The problem is that if the player already made Hardin the elder it could screw the


whole storyline up. So I am going to need a different Paladin maybe.


I was wondering if I should add alien weapons to the game as a reward for the Courier as well as access to a secret armory as well and give the Courier a way to create alien power cells.


Really if you guys want pics just ask remember.

btw: I don't really want to make this new faction to be necessarily evil I sort of want them to be on the neutral side.


Thank you.

Edited by betabugger
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