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Frequent random crashes, help would be appreciated


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For a while, I've been getting CTD's with varying frequency at completely random times, and lately all of them have been directly preceded by a script called "SIC_CliffracerScript.psc" (from SKyrim immersive Creatures)

I have cleaned all of my mods with TES5edit, have run BOSS frequently, and use a Bashed patch (rebuilt as of latest mods installed)


Here are my major specs:


Processor: AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440


Here is my load order http://pastebin.com/mtdEQ6aS



And is my most recent Papyrus log



If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated



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I uninstalled Skyrim Immersive creatures, and the crashes immensely decreased, but I still get crashes, seemingly due to a script from the dragonborn DLC, as it has appeared in my last Papyrus logs since uninstalling SIC when the game has crashed.

Here is my latest papyrus log, and if anyone knows a solution for this script, that would be great


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