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No mods showing in "Data Files"


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alright, after a number of issues, ive reinstalled Skyrim and NMM and the game is running the way it should, even some mods work. i say some because i can see SkyUI and others working, some even show up in MCM. however, some dont appear to be taking effect. i think it may have something to do with the fact that i dont see anything in the Data Files section of the Launcher. ive searched high and low for a fix to this issue and cant seem to find one. some suggest changing things in using regedit but things appear as they should there. others suggest altering Skyrimprefs.ini by adding bEnableFileSelection=1 but that also is as it should be.


getting the mods to show in Data Files may not be the fix for some mods not working but its all i can think of.


im getting really tired of this, but im not giving up, i just need help. please, if anyone knows what the issue could be i will love you eternally if you have a fix.

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You sure you edited the right SkyrimPrefs.ini ?


There's one inside the Skyrim folder that is not used.. you need this one: My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrimprefs.ini


Other thing, is your game up to date?


Next; not all mods come with a plugin... some are replacers and don't have a plugin. They only add files inside of the Data folder (so in one of the directories there).

Next; older NMM version had an issue that instead of installing mods into Data\ it was installing mods into Data\Data\ ... so if you find a Data folders inside your own Data folder, you need to update NMM.

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both Skyrimprefs.ini in either location read as they should. and yes, i have version of skyrim and SKSE version 1.6.16.


im aware that not all mods show a plugin but that doesnt explain why there is nothing in Data Files.


im currently just reistalling everything... again. wish me luck.

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as it turns out, changing the "bEnableFileSelection=1" in the .ini is the fix for not being able to select "Data Files" at all (when it is greyed out). mine is clickable, its just that nothing, NOTHING, shows up there. i dont even....

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Did you open this recently?


After you click that button, take a screen shot and post it. So we can see where your install should be. Did you move it? Keep in mind you can't move it where you want it. You can make a new destination folder, then uninstall, re-install to the new destination but Steam must do it.



Open NMM and look at that screen. Where is the destination? What is in the "Mod Directory"

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