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Editing in unstable/edge of map areas areas


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Me being awkward, it just turns out that the location I chose for a new town mod im making sits right on the edge of the world and needs a 'no border' mod to be able to reach it ('You cannot go that way.')


It looks like the area im editing lays on several quads ( or I think they are called that anyway) so when ever I turn around the camera or click something further away I will loose sight of half my town due to it not rendering.


This would be annoying but workable, however I think it will also affect my LOS which IS a problem. I have three windmills which I want to be visible from across the sea as far as Winterhold, unfortunately they don’t render in till you are REALLY close to them and I have full LOD selected etc.


Below is what happens when I turn around the camera or something, the furnace area is actually part of a building but only the extra pieces I placed are displayed and yet the actual building doesnt show.. :(





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