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[LE] Add Effect to Ingredient


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Hello, first off I want to apologise. My experience with mods up until now has purely been creating new clothing and skin textures for my own personal use. I'm not terribly familiar with the more technical aspects of scripting effects and the like, although I do have some basic coding knowledge.


I'm attempting to create a small mod that adds the thirst quenching effect from Dawnguard's Blood Potion to the Human Heart ingredient. Does anybody know if this is even possible given the limitations of the ingredient tag in Skyrim? If so, suggestions for where I could start to learn how to do that would be appreciated.

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If you're not worried about compatibility or robustness, change the first ingredient effect on human heart to: DLC1BloodPotionEffect "Blood Ingestion" [MGEF:02018EF4]


This way when you eat the human heart, it applies the thirst quenching effect similar to the potion. It won't combine with other ingredients and will show up as a magic effect in the alchemy menu even though you can't use it. It's a starting point at least.

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