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HD Ambient Music Overhaul Beta


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Hello all, I'm in the process of building a thorough high definition (HD) overhaul for Fallout 3. I'm an audio engineer by trade and this has been a fun project, it includes many of my own compositions and mixes.


This currently includes over 1 hour of new ambiance that *really* creates immersion IMHO. It's nearing completion and I'm looking for few kind souls to beta test.


Please bear in mind the following;


- This is an extensive overhaul and is designed for audiophiles with 5.1 systems.

- 2-way (stereo) is supported but this *will* tax your system.

- Headphone users welcomed.


If you're interested in testing, respond below and please include details of your system and play habits. Final release is slated for next weekend. ;)


Addition Information Requested:


Details on the audio sub-system within Fallout 3. Is it as poor as I'm lead to believe? I'd like some help on the audio portion of the fallout.ini file. Any help here would be appreciated.


Lastly, details on the folder structure used by Fallout 3. Currently, I have the following within my /Data/Music/ folder:









Are there others used by the engine?


Thank you all for the help.

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I'm new to Modding and such, but I'm interested in getting into it, and one of the ways I've heard about getting into it is beta testing. So, considering that I've got a pair of Razer Barracuda headphones with 5.1 sound (link), and a powerful rig overall, I'd be more than happy to help you! :) My system information is as follows:


CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.41 GHZ

RAM: 2 gigs of DDR2 memory


SOUND CARD: Integrated 'Realtek High Definition Audio' with up to 7.1 surround sound support.

SOUND SPEAKERS: Barracuda HP1 Headset, OR external 5.1 surround sound speakers (headphones preferred)


MONITOR: 22" Samsung w/ 1680 x 1050 resolution.


My play habits: I play 3-4 hours a week (sometimes more), and I'm about 80% done the campaign (I think, not too sure).


My email/msn is: [email protected] Feel free to contact me via posting in this topic, PMing me, Windows Messenger (A.k.a MSN) or email.

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HI I’m very interested in this mod. I think that emersion is very important in an RPG and for me a big factor in that is sound quality. I wish I could help you test the mod, but unfortunately I’m very busy with my own mod. Still, I’m looking forward to the final release of your mod.
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