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Distant trees look really bad


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So, I know the draw distance in Skyrim is... bad. But as far as I remember from playing Skyrim on the xbox, the trees in the distance have never looked this bad. They don't even look like trees :confused:. I'm using a bunch of mods, so this may be the cause. It can't be a low graphics problem, I've have the graphics set to high/ultra. I hope someone can help me out here (:






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I checked my mods and realized I had two different versions of the SFO installed at the same time *facepalm*. Installing the latest version and deleting the old ones fixed it though! Now I have less ugly trees in my game (:

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You have SFO non basic version and combined with another mod that does something with trees (either alters the LOD or edits the meshes)


If you wanna use other tree mods next to SFO you need either;


SFO Basic version 1.81 or;

Compatibility patch for the other mod



There's no other way...



EDIT: and I just read now you already solved it.

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