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checking AP-requirement of current Weapon


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my Turn-based Mod is taking shape a lot faster then I expected, but now I stumbled over a little problem that I wasn't yet able to resolve. I need to check the APs of the current weapon equiped and modify the players AP accordingly. The code I came up with looks as follows (it's only an outtake of the whole, but everything that's essential for the problem is there):


		short lastaction1
	ref CurWeapon
	float CurWeapAP

set lastaction1 to player.getanimaction
	set CurWeapon to Player.GetEquippedObject 5
	set CurWeapAP to CurWeapon.GetWeaponActionPoints
if LastAction1 == 2
		player.damageav ActionPoints CurWeapAP


I can't find any errors in the syntax, but then again, I first looked into the scripting language 4 days ago. The problem here is that there seems to be no value passed on to CurWeapAP, because if I replace it with a numeric value (e.g. 10) in the second last line, the code works fine. so I guess the trouble is hidden somewhere in those two lines:


set CurWeapon to Player.GetEquippedObject 5

set CurWeapAP to CurWeapon.GetWeaponActionPoints


Can anyone spot what might be wrong with them?

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Just so that everyone knows that this has been answered, here is my answer from the relevant thread on the Official forums:

You want to use this syntax for GetWeaponActionPoints:
set CurWeapAP to GetWeaponActionPoints CurWeapon

That's an easy mistake to make though, so don't sweat it. For more information on FOSE function syntax see this - Function Syntax Format.




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