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Just got Dawnguard and Dragonborn. Will some/most/all of my mods stil


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So I just bought Dawnguard and Dragonborn and they're downloading now, and I'm wondering if my mods are all going to cause problems. Has this been an issue? Some mod pages specifically address this issue but a lot don't make any mention of their compatibility with the expansions. In case anyone wants to see it, here's a list of all the mods I have: http://i.imgur.com/AIUXL2R.png


Should I uninstall all mods and start fresh, or will most/all of them work? And what about SKSE? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Check the mod pages for all your mods, but especially the following:


Immersive Weapons

Immersive Armours



Skyrim Flora Overhaul


I often read mod pages even though I don't get the mods themselves and seem to remember these might need special care with dlc's. They might not break your game or anything but in order to get them to work in dlc content you may need to patch them.

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Ok, thanks guys. I think what I'm gonna do is just delete local data and download a fresh copy. It's been months and at this point I don't even really remember what mods I had installed, and this way I don't have to deal with random crashes/bugs.

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