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Dawnguard Bug


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So after the quest "Prophet" for the Dawnguard, I have run into an annoying bug. I did have the bug where Dexicon was hostile, and I wass able to fix that with some troubleshooting/reloading. I completed that quest and everything was ok with that. The aftermath of that, is that vampires are no longer hostile to me until provoked. Recently 3 had attacked near Windhelm. The guards started to battle, but the vampires ran right by me to attack the guards. When i shot the first vampire, it responded with dialogue saying "I'm on your side!" This is very annoying for the completion of Dawnguard quests and was wondering iff there were any fixes? Btw I and using the newest version of Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Edited by chpettmd
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i dont know much about skyrim modding or the mechanics, but it sounds to me like you are somehow in the vampire's faction


try console commands, i just found this: "addfac <faction ID> -1", this will remove the targeted actor from the faction whose id you put at <faction ID>, i'm pretty sure it should work on the player as well, just click on your character when the console is open


now you just have to find out the faction id of the vampires i guess... cant help you more at the moment, sorry, it's 3am here and im tired and drunk :confused:

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