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The main menu and loading screens are suddenly too bright.


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I've been poking around r/SkyrimMods and a couple Nexus comment sections, trying to figure out why my main menus and loading screens have gotten so bright. I've gotten little response, so I'm trying here now and could really use some help.


I should note that I don't use ENB and ReShade, going as far as to use ENB and ReShade Manager to get rid of any possible files from either. I've also checked if it was Obsidian Weathers after being told that weather mods can also affect the main menu, but the brightness persists.


How it looks just before loading: https://i.imgur.com/PuLsato.png

How it looks after loading: https://i.imgur.com/PiAtUSf.png


My load order: https://pastebin.com/4VpGm3VZ

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