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More junk for workbench mods


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Like the topic description said. We need a mod that adds more and a larger variety of junk to scavengers and crazy wolfgang (was he that junk guy?). Sooner or later the fixed amount of junk is gonna run out, that's in my opinion and some vendors do sell certain stuff .... like .... rarely. Hopefully more variety leaning towards the side of "used for workbench recipes".


My request is for someone to make a mod to add a larger variety to the vendors like wandering scavengers, crazywolf gang; and maybe create 1 or 2 more different kinds of wandering vendors.


If its possible add more wandering scavengers, we need the larger variety because sometimes the junk they sell is only good for the Rock-it; we want more junk like cherry bombs. Junk like all those electronics and scrap metal.


If you want to know the definition of the junk junk that vanilla scavengers sell that works only for rock-it ammo, its like the cups, clipboards and harmonicas.

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