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Confused: aMidianBorn Book of Silence


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Ok so here is a question, I hope someone will take the time and answer quickly, would be much appreciated.


I went to download " aMidianBorn Book of Silence "


I thought it was one download but noticed there are 3 separate files ( I thought it was a package deal where you get all armours weapons in one download). It may be but not sure:


Anyway, when i go to download this mod (awesome mod btw) there is just a manual download button and then you get to 3 separate files which you can use NMM to download.


Question is this.


Is the top file aMidianBorn book of silence_ARMOR just the one I need if I want armours and weapons or do I also need aMidianBorn book of silence_WEAPON as well?


Dumb question perhaps but ill take the flak :)

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You need the aMidianBorn book of Silence_WEAPON if you want the textures for the weapon. They are separate files that that contain textures only for the labeled option.


If you want the textures for the Armors and the Weapons, then you need to install both files.


If only want the textures for the armor, then install the armor file and vice versa.

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In response to post #8471008. #8471033, #8471818, #8472719, #8473979, #8493357 are all replies on the same post.

Wow looks great. and ya for anyone thinking it needs to be darker it's a cloudless night, without electric light bleed and pollution, plus big moons. and also if you darken it people will complain that they cant see Sh** when it's raining with lots of cloud cover. It's looking pretty sexy and very realistic. Cant wait for release. =D Edited by DeCapitan
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