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Assistance with "De-Raidering" A Location

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I know the thread title is rather vague, but a user named RichardsBear recently hit me up and reminded me back in 2020 I'd mentioned looking at "fixing" the FNS Northern Star and removing their attack on sight status for a mod, considering the Norwegian they speak while shooting them roughly translates to them asking you to leave and stop shooting them.


I looked into the CK, and managed to find the faction and IDs for them (DN157 prefix seems to be them iirc) as those were the Raiders tagged with the Norwegian voice, and also included their Boss, Rags. Initial test, I tried adding the Player Faction to them as neutral, but upon making a jog over from Warwick, all I saw were a load of explosions going off as apparently adding that broke their friendly package with the Mirelurks down in the rusted out keel of their wreck. My current experience with the CK thus far has been for Skyrim SE making minor worldspace edits for myself, such as one test adding a few crafting stations to the small abandoned Alchemist's Shack, and bits like that for now.


So suffice to say, not *quite* at the point where I am entirely familiar with mucking about with AI packages and the like just yet, but I am fairly sure that any edits made to their factions will perhaps need to have further revisions to remove that location from popping as a radiant in any "kill Raiders at *location*".


In a bit over my head here, to say the least. Would like to sort out this fairly seamlessly.


Now, I did start by only loading the base FO4 ESM in an attempt to make it perhaps easier to compress to ESPFE or even ESL, and the ESL test resulted in the entire place going really badly and everything was hostile. By the time I got from Warwick, the Mirelurks in the upper portions were already blown to pieces, and that just left the 2 down below in the insanely irradiated hold. And the entire crew taking potshots at me.


So with all of that exposition out of the way, I know I borked it rather badly, but was my first edit of actual AI/Faction tags so didn't expect it to "Just Work". So be gentle in telling me how badly I broke something. Just trying to sort out adding a bit of immersion to not have to feel like its gunning down a potential friendly camp nearby Warwick to help keep that literal cesspit immersively safe.


So how wrong was the approach I'd taken, and how might be I about making them at least docile enough for players who still want to get in there to get the perk magazine without provoking them into a shoot out?

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Open the FMS Northern Star's location: WreckOfTheFMSNorthernStarLocation "Wreck of The FMS Northern Star" [LCTN:000585B7]. Remove this keyword: LocEncRaiders [KYWD:00030855].


Repeatable quests like "Cleansing the Commonwealth" search for locations with such keywords.


Here are some similar keywords by the way: LocEncSynths [KYWD:0002BEF7], LocEncGhouls [KYWD:000581DE].

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Alright, figured that was what I was missing to get the radiants to stop trying to slaughter em. What I am stuck on is trying to figure out how to get them to be docile. The attempt to just add them to the PlayerFaction in the test ESP I did wasn't working. Once all that's done, was going to go in and rename them to something a bit more tame than "Raider". Idea was to try to test out making it a place someone can go for the magazine and not have to gun down Pre-War Ghoul Survivors to do so. Would try expanding it further from there to make it a possible extension to Warwick in a way, though that's far beyond my already limited knowledge base for the Fallout 4 CK.

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